

2024年9月13日 | カテゴリー : 未分類 | 投稿者 : hirokite

I’d like to inform all my friends around the world.

I’d like to inform all my friends around the world.

I was found to have cancer during a regular check-up in July, and was admitted to a university hospital where I underwent surgery at the end of July. The surgery was successful, and I was discharged in August. I am currently undergoing chemotherapy at the same hospital.

I went to the hospital the other day to receive my fourth round of chemotherapy. Anticancer drugs are administered on an outpatient basis. I will return to the hospital in two weeks to receive chemotherapy. As instructed by my doctor, I intend to continue this treatment pattern for a while. My doctor told me that I can continue working as usual and participate in events overseas. However, he told me to stop if I feel unwell. I’m feeling great now. :-)) But, because of the anticancer drugs, I feel a bit tired and sleepy for a while after the injection. My doctor said that the results of the chemotherapy are heading in a good direction, numerically. Thanks! Mikio Toki(土岐会員のFacebookより転載)

2024年9月13日 | カテゴリー : 未分類 | 投稿者 : hirokite